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Early Season Peanut Reminders

By Nick McGhee
Here are some early season Peanut Reminders from Dr. Scott Monfort, UGA Extension Peanut Agronomist:
Peanut Rows
  • Remember the importance of Soil Sampling. Growers do not need to ignore deficiencies or toxicity problems. They will cost a grower yield and profit. This will be more of a problem where growers are renting new land and may not know much of the rotation or fertility history.
  • Growers should remember that if they are going to grow Georgia-12Y, it is susceptible to Rhizoctonia Limb Rot. Growers will need to adjust fungicide programs accordingly.
  • Germination Issues:  Growers should consider saving about a pound of seed out of each lot they plant. The sample can be used later to help diagnose potential germination issues. The samples will need to be kept in a cool place until plants stands are assessed.  After stands are assessed, the 1 pound samples can be used for germination tests or properly discarded.
  • Growers should not plant in April until 4” soil temperatures reach 68 degrees for 3 to 4 consecutive days with no severe cool snaps expected within 5 days.
  • Growers should clean and calibrate in-furrow equipment for inoculants and insecticides before they begin planting and keep a check on them as they progress through the planting season.


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