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Early Spring Wheat, Oats, Barley Coming Off in Manitoba

A good portion of the Manitoba winter wheat and fall rye crops are already in the bin, with some early oats, barley and spring wheat also coming off. 

The latest weekly provincial crop report on Tuesday described winter wheat and fall rye yields as average. Early spring wheat harvest indications in the Eastern and Central regions are showing CWRS (Canadian Western Red Spring Wheat) protein ranging between 12.5 to 14.3%, with good falling numbers and slightly higher FDK (fusarium damaged kernels) than recent years, but low DON levels, and mostly grading No. 1 CWRS 

Widespread harvest is expected to begin for spring cereals in about two weeks, with some field peas also coming off in the Northwest and Southwest regions. However, high humidity and frequent rain showers are slowing cereal and pea crop dry-down, despite warm sunny days. A cooler, wetter forecast for the remainder of August has farms reconsidering swathing in favour of a pre-harvest aid or straight cutting in cereals, the report said. 

Canola crops are variable across Manitoba, with many in excellent condition, and tabling canopy, and others in poor condition with thin stands. Crop staging ranges from late bloom to very early harvest, with much of the crop between 10 to 50% seed colour change. Large areas of late-seeded canola along the Yellowhead Highway (PTH 16) and north toward Riding Mountain National Park are in late bloom, and require several weeks of good growing conditions to mature.  

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