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East Feliciana Parish Couple Wins Nation’s Top Young Farmer Award

By: Avery Davidson
Russell and Amelia Kent of East Feliciana Parish are the 2018 American Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Achievement Award Winners. They are the winners of a new Ford truck, courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance, and will also receive paid registration to the AFBF YF&R Leadership Conference in Reno, Nevada, Feb. 16-19.
“I’m still in shock,” Amelia Kent said shortly after winning the award, “It’s humbling and hasn’t completely sunk in yet.”
The Kents raise cattle and custom cut hay in East Feliciana and Tangipahoa Parishes. The couple also direct markets custom, grass-fed beef, provide beef to restaurants and to a Baton Rouge based meal kit service. 
The Kents qualified to compete on the national level after winning the Louisiana Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Achievement Award in June, 2017. For winning that competition, Russell and Amelia received $35,000 toward the purchase of a Ford truck, along with other prizes. 
The Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization representing more than 140,000 member families. 

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