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East Texas Turfgrass Conference set Feb. 5 at Overton

By Robert Burns

The East Texas Turfgrass Conference has been scheduled for Feb. 5 at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Overton.

The annual conference is primarily for professional grounds and landscape managers for local school districts city parks and recreation departments, said Randy Reeves, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agent for Harrison County, and one of the conference organizers. However, there will also be plenty of information presented that private homeowners will find interesting and useful.

Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. and is $30 per person, payable at the door by check or cash. Attendees will be eligible for five continuing education units toward the renewal of their Texas Department of Agriculture pesticide applicator licenses. Two continuing education units in the general category, two in integrated pest management and one in laws and regulations will be offered.

“Be sure to bring your pesticide license or pesticide number with you to ensure proper CEU credit,” Reeves said. “Your driver’s license number alone will no longer serve.”

The program will begin at 8 a.m. and end at 3:15 p.m., with an all-you-can-eat catfish noon lunch, which will be included with registration.

Morning program presentations will include: “Feral Hog Control and Management,” Dr. Billy Higginbotham, AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist, Overton; “Pre- and Post-Emergent Weed Control Methods,” Dr. Matt Elmore, AgriLife Extension turfgrass specialist, Dallas; and “Turfgrass Disease Updates,” also by Elmore.

After lunch presentations will include: “Soil Fertility, Sodic Soils and Lime Quality,” Dr. Tony Provin, AgriLife Extension soils specialist with the soil, water and forage testing laboratory, College Station; “Pesticide Laws and Regulation Update,” Dr. Don Renchie, AgriLife Extension pesticide safety specialist, College Station; and “IPM Practices in Local School Districts,” Janet Hurley, AgriLife Extension school integrated pest management specialist, Dallas.

Reeves said morning and afternoon breaks will allow attendees to visit with industry sponsors and view their exhibits.

A program flyer can be found at

The conference is sponsored by the 22-county East District 5 Texas County Agriculture Agents Association and AgriLife Extension, the East Texas Seed Company, Tyler; Rozell Sprayer Manufacturing, Tyler; and ASCO Equipment, Tyler, Reeves said.

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