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Economic Impacts of the Nebraska Ethanol and Ethanol Co-Products Industry 2015 - 2017

By Kathleen Brooks, Tim Meyer and Cory Walters
This study estimates the overall economic impact of the Nebraska ethanol industry from 2015 to 2017. It uses a quantitative measure (IMPLAN) and fundamental economic analysis to assess the harder-to-measure outcomes of the industry.
The Nebraska ethanol industry remains an important market in Nebraska with a production capacity of 2.558 billion gallons in 2017, resulting in the value of ethanol production at $3.764 billion, trailing only corn and cattle. Between 2014 and 2017, the productive capacity of ethanol in Nebraska increased by 23% and the number of full-time employees increased by 11.7%. While the industry has realized weakened ethanol prices between 2014 and 2017, the Nebraska ethanol industry has shown resilience through continued expansion in total capacity and diversification into co-products.
Download this 21-page report for more information on ethanol's impact on the Nebraska economy.
Output, Employment, Labor Income, Indirect Business Taxes (2017)
  • Ethanol Production - 2.076 billion gallons
  • Value of Ethanol Production - $2.872 billion
  • Total Value - $3.764 billion
  • Employees - 1,453 full-time equivalents (FTEs)
  • Labor Income - $109 million
  • Indirect Business Taxes - $13 million
Overall Economic Impact (2017)
  • Employment - 5,166 FTEs
  • Total Labor Income - $370 million
  • Total Output - $4.154 billion

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