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Effect of Afforestation on Soil Fungal Community Structure is Greater than Spatial Distance

Effect of Afforestation on Soil Fungal Community Structure is Greater than Spatial Distance

By Zhang Nannan

Afforestation is an important strategy to enhance terrestrial carbon sink. It alters regional landscapes and affects microbial processes in soil ecosystems. In particular, soil fungi, which play an important role in carbon and nitrogen cycling, could be greatly affected. However, at a watershed scale, the changes of soil fungal communities under afforestation could not only be influenced by host plant and soil environment, but also by spatial distance. How to distinguish the sources of the influences is particularly important.

Researchers from the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources (NIEER) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) conducted a study by investigating the impacts of  on the diversity and structure of   in Nanliu River Basin.

They analyzed the effects of afforestation in paddy field and upland field on soil fungal diversity and community structure in eucalyptus plantation, paddy field and upland field in Nanliu River Basin, and explored the main sources of soil fungal community change by considering spatial distance factors in upper, middle and lower reaches of the Basin.

According to the researchers, the two afforestation methods had little effect on soil fungal diversity while could significantly change the structures of soil fungal communities in the Basin.

With the transition from  and dry land to eucalyptus forests, the dominant group of  changed from Ascomycota to Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. Fusarium, Westerdykella, Zopfiella and Scleroderma were the most sensitive fungal general affected by forestation.

Additionally, paddy field afforestation caused more changes in fungal community structure than dryland afforestation due to agricultural planting pattern and soil moisture environment.

Spatially, the significant change of soil fungal community structure in the upper reaches was mainly reflected in the transformation from dry land to eucalyptus forest, while presented in the middle reaches was from paddy field.

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