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Elgin-ND Hard Red Spring Wheat Available

Elgin-ND is the first North Dakota State University hard red spring wheat cultivar that combines high yield and good quality.
Elgin-ND hard red spring wheat is available for general distribution to growers for the second year after its release by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Results from hard red spring wheat variety trials showed Elgin-ND had excellent performance. Elgin-ND’s average yield from 2008 to 2014 was higher than Barlow, Glenn and SY Soren, three popular North Dakota varieties. Elgin-ND also outperformed the high-yielding varieties Prosper and Faller in western North Dakota.
“Elgin-ND is the first North Dakota State University hard red spring wheat cultivar that combines high yield and good quality," says Mohamed Mergoum, NDSU hard red spring wheat breeder. Elgin-ND has a relatively high protein level, especially for a variety with strong yield potential. This variety also has a good disease-resistance package with intermediate resistance to scab and resistance to prevalent leaf and stem rusts, including some level of protection to the new leaf rust race Lr21. Most commercial varieties available do not have resistance to this new leaf rust race.”
Elgin-ND was named after the city of Elgin in southwestern North Dakota.
“The name Elgin-ND should not give producers the impression that it is just for growers surrounding the Elgin area,” says Joel Ransom, NDSU Extension Service agronomist. “Elgin-ND is one of the most widely adapted spring wheat varieties that has been released from NDSU in a long time, and it should do well in all regions of the state.”
Elgin-ND is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act with Title V. Only certified seed may be sold legally. Certified seed of Elgin-ND is available from most North Dakota county increase programs. Contact your local county NDSU Extension Service agent to ask about obtaining seed.

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