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Emergency Preparedness for Farm Animals

Farm animals are vulnerable to natural disasters such as extreme heat and cold weather, and
emergencies such as hazardous materials spills. In the event of an emergency, animals may need
to be sheltered, cared for, or transported to safety. Plan ahead by speaking with your veterinarian
and contact the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association at: for

Know Your Risks

Understand the likely disaster risks in your community and region. Identify the hazards to help
you prepare and to reduce the impact when sudden events do occur. The types of hazards vary
depending on where you live, but can include:

  • flooding from nearby rivers, canals and lakes,
  • grassland, forest, and farm building fires,
  • severe storms, high wind, tornadoes, heavy rain and blizzards,
  • hazardous waste spills and dangerous goods exposures, and
  • diseases or pests that affect animals and crops.

Having plans for sheltering in place, and evacuating with and without the farm animals will help
you to act quickly, protect your animals, and reduce the stress of the emergency or disaster. In
each case, make sure that you have adequate and safe fencing or pens to separate and group

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