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EPA Approves DuPont’s FeXapan Dicamba Herbicide

DuPont has received EPA registration for FeXapan herbicide plus VaporGrip Technology, a low-volatility dicamba formulation for use on Roundup Ready XtendFlex cotton and Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans.

The new herbicide is part of a complete weed-control solution that may be applied in-crop over cotton and soybean varieties carrying traits that provide tolerance to dicamba and glyphosate herbicides.

Growers will be able to use FeXapan in 2017 to control herbicide-resistant weeds – including kochia, marestail and amaranth species – as part of a complete weed-control program that includes pre-emergence and postemergence herbicide applications with multiple herbicide modes of action, as well as crop rotation and cultural practices that manage weed growth and weed seed production.

FeXapan employs a new formulation of dicamba that offers a significant reduction in volatility potential than conventional dicamba herbicides, which helps minimize off-target movement when used according to label guidelines.

When used with Pioneer brand soybeans with the Roundup Ready 2 Yield Xtend trait, FeXapan will provide a cost-effective option for managing weeds. The integrated seed and herbicide program is designed to work together to increase efficiency and protect yield.

A list of approved tank-mix partners for FeXapan and state registrations can be found online, as well as stewardship training to promote best management practices for product use and extended product life.

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