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Equipment Marketing & Distribution Association Elects New Officers & Directors

Newly elected officers and directors of the Equipment Marketing & Distribution Association (EMDA) for 2022-2023 are: Trey Price, Price Bros. Equipment Co., Wichita, Kan., President; Bob Doran, Doran Distribution Services, Mount Horeb, Wis., First Vice President; Shannon Soparlo, Adair Sales and Marketing Company, Inc., Swift Current, Sask., Canada, Second Vice President; Mark Tibbitts, General Implement Distributors, Salt Lake City, Utah; Treasurer and Immediate Past President; Kris Yancey, Implement Sales LLC, Stone Mountain, Ga., Secretary; Josh Overholser, Superior Implement & Supply Co., Inc., (SISCO), Greenville, Ohio, Director; and Andy Robson, Teagle Machinery, Ltd., Truro, Cornwall England, Associate Member Delegate.

The seven-member board was elected Oct. 26, 2022, during EMDA’s Corporate Annual Meeting held in Orlando, Fla. The Board will supervise administration of membership services to EMDA’s member firms.

The Equipment Marketing & Distribution Association (EMDA) is the international association for wholesaler-distributors and manufacturer’s representatives of agricultural and related industry equipment and parts. For generations, EMDA members have served as the vital link between manufacturers and North American retail dealers.

EMDA’s member reps and distributors are located throughout the United States and Canada. They perform such value-added services as warehousing, in-field sales representation, advertising and promotion, product education, service requirements, warranty representation, physical handling and credit and collections.

EMDA members provide the functions which lower the total cost of distribution and increase manufacturers’ market share. EMDA’s headquarters is located in Iowa City, Iowa.

Source : Farm Equipment

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Video: Year 1 in Review

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