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Equipment Storage Tips For Your John Deere Machinery

When the seasons change and it’s time to put away your John Deere machinery, it helps to have a series of equipment storage tips in the back of your mind. There are a number of different ways you can store your machinery and accessories, but putting them away properly is essential to ensuring that they are in working order for years to come.

So, how do you store your offseason equipment when it’s not in use?

Here are some tips to consider for equipment storage:

  • Clean with a high-pressure washer.
  • Check for worn parts.
  • Protect scratched areas to prevent rust.
  • Check all fluid levels and filters.
  • Remove, sharpen or replace blades.
  • Check tires for wear and damage.
  • Clean ground-working components.
  • Lubricate moving parts.
  • Store in a shed or under a tarp.

1. Clean with a High-Pressure Washer.

When you do so, be sure to get all of the nooks and crannies where dirt and trash can hide.

2. Check for Worn Parts.

Belts, hoses, loose bolts, leaks, electrical connections, and hydraulics should all be checked. Now is the perfect time to get these parts repaired or replaced.

3. Protect Scratched Areas to Prevent Rust.

Scratched-up areas on metal decks and housings should all be protected to prevent rust. Wax or paint can be used to prevent further damage.

4. Check All Fluid Levels and Filters.

Your operator’s manual will have instructions for ensuring that fluid levels and filters are in proper working order before placing your machinery into storage.

5. Remove, Sharpen or Replace Blades.

The blades of your cutting equipment should be removed, sharpened or replaced before the products are stored for the season. Consult your operator’s manual or speak to your local John Deere dealer to determine if special equipment is needed for the task at hand.

6. Check Tires for Wear and Damage.

In addition, be sure that your tires are inflated to storage specification.

7. Clean Ground-Working Components.

Clean all ground-working components and coat them with a lubricant or another protective coating to prevent rust from developing.

8. Lubricate Moving Parts.

In addition, be sure to check all grease points.

9. Store in a Shed or Under a Tarp.

Doing so can protect your equipment from the elements

Source : blog.machinefinder

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