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Estimates of the Carbon Cycle—Vital to Predicting Climate Change—Are Incorrect, Researchers Show

Estimates of the Carbon Cycle—Vital to Predicting Climate Change—Are Incorrect, Researchers Show

Virginia Tech researchers, in collaboration with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, have discovered that key parts of the global carbon cycle used to track movement of carbon dioxide in the environment are not correct, which could significantly alter conventional carbon cycle models.

The estimate of how much  dioxide plants pull from the  is critical to accurately monitor and predict the amount of climate-changing gasses in the atmosphere. This finding has the potential to change predictions for climate change, though it is unclear at this juncture if the mismatch will result in more or less carbon dioxide being accounted for in the environment.

"Either the amount of carbon coming out of the atmosphere from the plants is wrong or the amount coming out of the soil is wrong," said Meredith Steele, an assistant professor in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, whose Ph.D. student at the time, Jinshi Jian, led the research team. The findings are to be published Friday in Nature Communications.

"We are not challenging the well-established climate change science, but we should be able to account for all carbon in the ecosystem and currently cannot," she said. "What we found is that the models of the ecosystem's response to climate change need updating."

Jian and Steele's work focuses on carbon cycling and how plants and soil remove and return carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

To understand how carbon affects the ecosystems on Earth, it's important to know exactly where all the carbon is going. This process, called carbon accounting, says how much carbon is going where, how much is in each of Earth's carbon pools of the oceans, atmosphere, land, and living things.

For decades, researchers have been trying to get an accurate accounting of where our carbon is and where it is going. Virginia Tech and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory researchers focused on the carbon dioxide that gets drawn out of the atmosphere by plants through photosynthesis.

When animals eat plants, the carbon moves into the terrestrial ecosystem. It then moves into the soil or to animals. And a large amount of carbon is also exhaled—or respirated—back into the atmosphere.

This carbon dioxide that's coming in and going out is essential for balancing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change and storing carbon long-term.

However, Virginia Tech researchers discovered that when using the accepted numbers for soil respiration, that number in the carbon cycling models is no longer balanced.

"Photosynthesis and respiration are the driving forces of the carbon cycle, however the total annual sum of each of these at the global scale has been elusive to measure," said Lisa Welp, an associate professor of earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences at Purdue University, who is familiar with the work but was not part of the research. "The authors' attempts to reconcile these global estimates from different communities show us that they are not entirely self-consistent and there is more to learn about these fundamental processes on the planet."

What Jian and Steele, along with the rest of the team, found is that by using the gross primary productivity of 's accepted number of 120 petagrams—each petagram is a billion metric tons—the amount of carbon coming out through soil respiration should be in the neighborhood of 65 petagrams.

By analyzing multiple fluxes, the amount of carbon exchanged between Earth's carbon pools of the oceans, atmosphere, land, and living things, the researchers discovered that the amount of carbon soil respiration coming out of the soil is about 95 petagrams. The gross primary productivity should be around 147. For scale, the difference between the currently accepted amount of 120 petagrams and this is estimate is about three times the global fossil fuel emissions each year.

According to the researchers, there are two possibilities for this. The first is that the remote sensing approach may be underestimating gross primary production. 

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Why Seed Analysts are Thriving Under Seeds Canada

Video: Why Seed Analysts are Thriving Under Seeds Canada

Last month in Edmonton, Alta., industry leaders and stakeholders gathered to discuss the evolving landscape of the seed industry at Seeds Canada’s annual conference. Among them was Sarah Foster, president of 2020 Seed Labs and the new vice-president of Seeds Canada.

Foster, who has been on the board of Seeds Canada for over a year, has witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities that come with the formation of the organization. Seeds Canada was established just over three years ago through the merger of multiple seed industry groups, including the Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada (CSAAC). Since then, the organization has been working to define its priorities and solidify its role in the industry.

“The challenge has been allowing the dust to settle after the merger,” Foster explained. “We’ve been focused on identifying what our priorities should be and ensuring that our members, especially the seed analysts, are getting what they need to continue their professional work.”

One of the recent highlights was a pre-conference event where the three major seed labs in Alberta — 20/20 Seed Labs, SGS Canada and Seed Check — opened their doors to members. The event saw a record number of seed analysts and business professionals in attendance. Foster emphasized the importance of this transparency, stating, “It’s crucial for people to see what goes on behind the scenes. We’re an open book now, and that openness helps build trust and understanding within the industry.”

The event also featured an environmental scan and a series of discussions that fostered strong communication among attendees. According to Foster, the dialogue was both encouraging and inspiring.

“A lot of people were really inspired by the fact that Seeds Canada is moving ahead with its agenda. The seed analysts, who have always worked diligently in the background, are now being recognized more prominently,” she said.

Before the merger, seed analysts were represented by CSAAC. Now, as part of Seeds Canada, they are finding their place within the larger organization. Foster believes that the integration has been successful, noting, “I think we’re thriving. You only need to look south of the border, where similar consolidations are happening.”

As Seeds Canada continues to evolve, Foster remains optimistic about the future. “I want to be totally transparent with anyone who is a seed analyst — I’ve got your back. We’re moving in a positive direction, and we’ll do everything we can to meet the needs of our members,” she said.