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Excess Moisture Insurance Coverage Increasing for 2023 Crop Year

With few producers reporting an abundance of hay this year many will be stretching these supplies out with straw in their daily rations. Straw can make up a large portion of the ration when hay is in shortage as long as it is accompanied with a concentrate such as oats, barley or grain screenings pellets. It is important to plan an adequate ration as straw does have its limitations when used to feed beef cattle.

Straw does not contain adequate levels of energy, protein, minerals or vitamins to winter a cow. Cows cannot eat and digest enough straw to meet their nutritional requirements. Since straw is digested at a slower rate than hay, cows consume less straw than hay on a daily basis. Grinding or processing straw will increase intakes, but without proper and balanced supplementation of energy and protein, problems such as malnutrition, impaction, reduced milk output and lowered conception rates can result.

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What Is Canola

Video: What Is Canola

Canadian + Oil = Canola. Do you ever wonder what those bright yellow fields are on the Canadian prairies? That's canola! The tiny cross-shaped yellow flowers identify the plants as a part of the crucifer family and, more specifically, they belong to a section (or genus) of the family called Brassica. Brassica plants include mustard, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and turnip. The canola plant produces tiny seeds that are later crushed to extrude canola oil, one of the most widely used oils in kitchens around the world!