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Experience the Magic of the Summer Solstice at the Ross Student Farm on June 27

Campus and community members are invited to enjoy the longest days of the year with live music, summer greenery and farm-fresh flavors at the Dr. Keiko Miwa Ross Student Farm. The sixth annual Summer Solstice Celebration will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, June 27, on the farm. The celebration is free and open to the public, with the option to purchase food on-site. 

A free event bus will be shuttling guests to and from the farm, with pickup and drop-off conveniently located at the bus pullout near the Berkey Creamery. 

Guests are invited to try food from local food trucks, such as Farmstead Fusion and Media Luna Tamales; both menus feature Student Farm produce. Enjoy live music by Home Planet, featuring a mix of new, classic, and original soul tunes. 

The Center for Arts and Crafts will offer arts and crafts activities for guests of all ages to enjoy, including nature collaging. The popular "smoothie bike" and other fun summer activities will be available. 

Cash or credit cards will be accepted by the food trucks. Cash or check will be accepted for Student Farm Club merchandise.  

"This event is all about getting outside and reconnecting with nature a bit — whether it's by dancing to live music in the grass, eating a farm-fresh meal, or just enjoying the scenery,” said Marta Plumhoff, food systems coordinator. “June is a really beautiful time of year on the farm, and Summer Solstice is a perfect chance to savor it!" 

Guests are encouraged to bring a reusable water bottle, sun protection, a picnic blanket or lawn chair to sit on, and sturdy shoes. The farm also asks that guests do not bring pets to prevent damage to food crops currently in production. Casual tours will be offered throughout the evening.  

The Ross Student Farm is near the intersection of Big Hollow and Fox Hollow roads. Location details and directions can be found on the Student Farm website. Guests may park in the paved lot next to the farm. If special parking accommodation is needed, please email ahead of time. 

In the case of inclement weather conditions, guests should check the Student Farm's Facebook and Instagram pages for updates. Additional summer events for the community are also viewable on the Student Farm's Facebook and Instagram pages.  

About the Sustainable Food Systems Network at Penn State 

The Sustainable Food Systems Network includes the Dr. Keiko Miwa Ross Student Farm at Penn State, the Student Farm Club, the Food Recovery Network, the inter-college Food Systems Minor program, and Course-Client Collaborations. The program aims to develop students' knowledge about sustainable food systems practices while providing hands-on learning opportunities and positively contributing to the community.   

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