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Extension Offers Farm Law, Tax Workshop

By Emma Hopkins

Purdue Extension is offering a workshop on farm law and tax issues, including estate planning and business transfers.


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The workshop will be 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST Dec. 17 in the Shine Family Room at the Floyd County Extension office, 3000 Technology Ave., New Albany. Gerald Harrison, a Purdue University agricultural economist and member of the Indiana State Bar Association, will be the presenter.

The workshop is designed for farmers, farm families, farmland owners, accountants, attorneys and insurance providers.

Topics include farmland lease law, farming liabilities, property rights, the Right to Farm law, takings law, real estate transfer taxation, land trusts and conservation easements.

Registration is required by Dec. 14. Cost is $30 per person, $50 for couples, $70 for those applying for continuing education credits and $90 for those applying for credits toward a second professional continuing education certification. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Registration forms and information are available on the Purdue agricultural economics website at



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