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“Fairness for Farmers” Campaign Central to Administration’s New Effort to Increase Competition in Ag Markets

This afternoon, the White House hosted an event to discuss competition and capacity building in the meat supply chain. President Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and National Economic Council Director Brian Deese announced the Administration’s Action Plan for a Fairer and More Resilient Meat and Poultry Supply Chain. Oklahoma Farmers Union President Scott Blubaugh offered perspective and insight into the devastating impacts consolidation has had on the industry and rural America. 

“National Farmers Union has long advocated for increased competition in the meat-processing industry.  Our national Fairness for Farmers campaign has highlighted the devastating impact consolidation has had on America’s family farmers and ranchers all over the country,” said Rob Larew, President, National Farmers Union. “At every state of the process, farmers are squeezed and forced to choose between fewer and excessively expensive options while consumers are paying premiums at the grocery stores.” 

“We are hopeful that the Administration’s renewed focus on boosting competition and reducing prices will force the changes needed to create an even playing field for those who take on the responsibility of feeding America,” added Larew. 

“America’s independent farmers and ranchers have been sounding the alarm for years on the lack of transparency and competition in livestock markets,” said Oklahoma Farmers Union President Scott Blubaugh while speaking at the event today. “Industry consolidation has had a significant negative impact on rural America as farmers and ranchers have experienced reduced marketing options and reduced power in the marketplace.” 

Blubaugh added, “Today’s announcement from the Biden-Harris Administration is absolutely welcomed news. Independent farmers and ranchers like myself are hopeful this renewed focus on boosting competition, transparency and market access will provide a more level playing field that will benefit cattle producers and consumers alike.” 

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