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Fall Cattle Run Winding Down

The fall cattle run is slowly coming to a close.

Brian Perillat is a senior analyst with Canfax.

"Certainly volumes have eased up quite a bit, maybe half of where they were in the peak run. The last couple of weeks before Christmas is usually kind of a slow down. A lot of cattle moved earlier through the fall with the drier conditions and most cattle got marketed in fairly timely manner. Price-wise, we've seen prices kind of ease up a little bit over the last month or so or more, but still hanging in fairly flat. A lot of these 500 lbs steers, still well over $2, $2.10, $2.15."

Perillat says prices are a little bit below a year ago, but they've hung in there quite well despite a lot of cattle moving.

Source : Steinbachonline

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