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Fall Cattle Run Winding Down

The fall cattle run is coming to a close.
"We saw two or three weeks of pretty good volume there through November for the most part, a lot of feeders trading as the weather held some off for a little bit," said Brian Perillat, Manager/Senior Analyst with Canfax. "Prices hung in there fairly well, we saw a little bit of pressure on some of those six weight cattle, lighter five weights and four weights seeing a lot of strength from guys that maybe wanted to background some calves. Prices generally in line with where they were a year ago."
Perlliat adds calves had been under some pressure but are flattening out. Fed cattle prices in the west are strengthening while in the east prices are struggling with the Ryding-Regency plant still closed, which may be hurting the Manitoba feeders a bit more.
He notes feeders could possibly move south.
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