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Fall Conservation Update To Highlight Soil Health And Plot Tour

By George Silva

Farmers can take a break from their pre-harvest preparations and learn about soil, water and nutrient conservation practices at the Spoil your Soil: Conservation Update and Plot Tour 2016 on Sept. 8, 2016, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Mason Technology Center, 474 South Onondaga Road, Mason, MI 48854. The day will feature a cutting-edge, educational program on soil health, environmental stewardship and crop production practices, and farmers, land owners and conservationists are invited. This event is jointly sponsored by Michigan Farm Bureau, Ingham Conservations District and Eaton Conservations District, Natural Resources Conservation Services and Michigan State University Extension.

The guest speaker is Frank Gibbs, Wetland and Soil Consulting Services, L.L.C. in Rawson, Ohio, who will be giving a soil pit demonstration on soil health, earthworms, compaction, tillage, runoff and infiltration. Adam Ingrao, Michigan executive director of Farmer Veterans Coalition, will feature Michigan farmer veterans leading the way. Monsanto agronomist Steve Gower and MSU Extension educator George Silva will discuss high yield and profitability corn research trials highlighting delayed nitrogen treatments, non-limiting populations and Climate Pro crop model and nitrogen advisor.

Agency updates will be given by Laura Lunceford, Kathy Chase and Robin Sabbadin of Michigan Farm Bureau; Tim Redder of Natural Resources Conversation Services; Sue Spagnuolo of Eaton Conservation District; and Jay Korson of Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP). View the tentative agenda. MDARD, CCA and MAEAP Phase 1 Credits are pending.

After lunch, participants are invited to an optional bus tour of the MSU nutrient management research program hosted by Kurt Steinke of MSU Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences. The theme of this tour is “Environmental, economic and agronomic implications of nutrient management in Michigan,”’ and will highlight nitrogen management on corn, phosphorus management for water quality and plant nutrition. This tour will return to the Mason Technology Center at 4:30 p.m. Those participating in the afternoon tour will receive additional credits.

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