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Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan Reports Increased Membership and Member Support

Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan reports, over the past year, it has seen an increase in its membership and a significant increase in the level of support provided by those members. Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan was formed in 2014 to bring the agriculture industry together in an effort to engage with consumers in Saskatchewan and across the country and ensure those with an interest in how their food is being produced have a truthful verifiable way to get that information.

Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan Executive Director Clinton Monchuk says members have recognised the importance of sharing the story of how food is being produced and, over the past eight years, have doubled their level of support.

Quote-Clinton Monchuk-Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan:

I think you can see that the writing is on the wall in other countries where that disconnect became too great. The connection between the grassroots farmers and those who are consuming the products became too great and that then influences public policy going forward. I think we're going to see a little bit of that in the next four years south of the border with some of the individuals that are being tased with food policy down south.

It begs the question, what can we do to make sure that if consumers do have questions that farmers provide answers for them and that's where Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan or Canadian Food Focus come into play and I think that's why a lot of farm groups, the farmers themselves see what we're doing as beneficial for the entire industry.

If we all do our part, whether it's individually as farmers or people in the agriculture industry or we combine our efforts with groups like Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan, we can do more and people are starting to see some of the benefit of that and definitely supporting us to a larger degree now.

Monchuk says, while consumers have always had questions, there is a recognition that farmers need to be more proactive through social media and other methods of engagement in answering those questions. He notes tracking has shown consumers who access Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan resources feel more confident and comfortable with our food production system.

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