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15 Pieces of Frontier Hay Equipment for Boosting Efficiency

When you’re on the hunt for new hay and forage equipment to help you out in the field, you know you can rely on John Deere to provide you with all of the machinery you require. Whether you need a wheel rake or a bale wrapper, Deere has the piece you need to ultimately boost your efficiency.

Let’s take a look at 15 pieces of hay equipment you can consider as you shop to suit your needs.

Heavy-Duty Wheel Rake

Rake more hay in less time with this wheel rake, which has large, wind-panel rake wheels to gather hay quicker and more efficiently.

High-Capacity Wheel Rakes

This high-capacity wheel rake can engage nearly any type of terrain. When you’re finished, the wheel lift cylinders retract so you can place it in the storage position with ease.

Rotary Rakes

Rotary rakes reduce dry-down time while keeping dirt and debris out of your windrows. In the end, this results in higher-quality bales.

Hay Tedders

You can improve feed quality and dry-down time with a hay tedder, which provides thorough conditioning and an even distribution of all types of hay.

High-Capacity Carted Wheel Rakes

These machines provide a fast raking speed without sacrificing performance to maximize hay quality.

Carted Wheel Rakes

The floating arms of these rakes enable the rake wheels to follow ground contour. Adjustable ground pressure allows each rake beam to adapt to different crops as it works.

Disc Mowers

With a disc mower, you can get a cleaner, even cut over rough ground. In addition, this particular model is iMatch and Quick Hitch compatible, meaning attachments can be connected and disconnected in little to no time.

Disc Mower Caddy

This caddy makes mower hook up easier when it’s time to cut the grass. You can level the caddy to fit your tractor, and set the cutting height with a manual turnbuckle.

Inline Bale Wrappers

Inline Bale Wrappers have fully automatic cycling and a film wrap sensor. They can ultimately protect bales from harsh weather.

Bale Carriers

Bale carriers come with adjustable bale arms and only require two hydraulic selective control valves. They also have a 45-degree dumping angle, which makes it quicker and easier to move multiple bales.

3-Point Bale Handler

The 3-Point Bale Handler simplifies moving round bale hales around the lot. The hydraulic Bale Unroller can also haul and unroll round bales for feeding.

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