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2024 Precision Specialist Spotlight

Lessiter Media's 2nd annual Precision Specialist Week (August 11-17, 2024), sponsored by SurePoint Ag Systems, celebrates and recognizes the hard work and dedication of those making today's precision farming systems possible. 

While employed by dealers, growers regard their precision farming specialists as an extension of their farm staff. They are called upon day and night to keep farms up and running, especially during the critical planting, spraying and harvesting seasons.

Growers, dealers and manufacturers shared stories of the following specialists who go above and beyond the call of duty to keep farming operations running. To celebrate the dedicated precision specialists making an impact in your area, submit a nomination at

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On soybean trait systems: "What am I gaining, what am I giving up?"

Video: On soybean trait systems: "What am I gaining, what am I giving up?"

With the growing season just around the corner, the Enlist E3 soybeans are taking a big leap in 2025 with Pioneer growers across the country moving to Enlist traited beans. On this episode, Andrew Campbell looks to the lessons from the past couple of years as growers have transitioned to the Enlist system about what works and what to watch out for. Joining him is Pioneer Area Agronomist Chris Robson, Pioneer Sales Rep Aaron Bowman and Jevin Vyn, a farmer from Southwestern Ontario.