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Extended Delays in R2R Case After EQUIP Data Dispute

The right to repair case could be delayed another 6 months as the release of information continues to be negotiated, according to Progressive Farmer.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs have asked Deere for structured data available on its EQUIP system. Farmers asked the court to modify deadlines as they wait for Deere to provide requested data, claiming Deere has been intentionally delaying the release of information.

"Deere is attempting to run the clock out on plaintiffs and deny their experts the time needed to discover and analyze critical structured data concerning Deere and authorized dealer pricing for parts and repair services that are critically important to establishing class-wide damages and antitrust liability," the farmers said in their motion.

Because Deere claimed only authorized dealers can produce data, subpoenas requesting information were served to over 20 authorized Deere dealers, collectively operating over 700 locations across the country. In January 2024, Deere said it had reached an agreement to provide information from 16 dealers.

Farmers requested 6 months to analyze the data once released to them and proposed a 6-month extension on Jan. 25, 2024. Deere countered with a 3-month extension and ultimately agreed to a 4-month extension on Feb. 13, 2024.

“Deere’s proposed 4-month extension is simply unworkable for plaintiffs and their experts,” the farmers said in response.

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