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Jerry Johnson Retires After Leading Smart Apply’s Integration with Deere & Company

On November 1, 2024, I will have fulfilled my duties to assist in the transition of Smart Apply to Deere and Company following the July 14, 2023, acquisition. I am announcing that I will be retiring from the full-time workforce on that date after more than 40 years of professional life. I will continue to serve on corporate boards of directors and welcome opportunities to support the agriculture industry in any way that I can.

The last nearly four years with Smart Apply have been an incredible ride. Leading a startup company through fundraising, commercialization, dealer network development, and ultimately the sale of the company to the most respected name in agricultural equipment has been an extremely rewarding and sometimes challenging process. I have enjoyed every minute of it.

I thank all of our dealers for placing their faith in the Smart Apply System, which is a game changer for growers of high-value crops and for the sustainability of farmlands. I understand the risk that you take with new suppliers, especially startups with brand-new technology, but you embraced our product, people and processes. It has been exciting to see how various crop sectors and growers large and small are realizing the benefits of the Smart Apply System. This is only the beginning of what can be! I greatly appreciate your support, and particularly those of you who were early adopters.

A company is no greater than its team members. I extend my deepest gratitude to all of our employees for your commitment and dedication to the business. Through the ups-and-downs and adversities of a startup, you have stood strong to bring the business to this point in time. I will miss working with you all and wish you the best!

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