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ManureTracker Eliminates Paper Records

ManureTracker is an Alberta-based manure record keeping application that will improve your farm management and move you away from those paper records. This app will help keep track of what is still left to do – be it for a new soil test for your land, finishing incorporation or completing a transfer to another farm. ManureTracker allows you to add employees, send a request to your custom manure applicator and access records for a discussion with your agronomist.

With the ManureTracker, GPS will help identify field and manure storage locations, allowing you to make custom notes and identify any necessary setbacks. When you select the date for spreading manure, ManureTracker will automatically record the weather data around the manure application. Worried about losing your information? Don’t be. This app will back up your information to the cloud if you allow it and synchronize all the data with those that you have given access to the farm information.

Features include:

  • Manure Production
  • Manure Application
  • Manure Transfers
  • Nutrient and Soil Tests
  • Weather Data
  • Field and manure storage identification

ManureTracker is created through the partnership of Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Alberta Milk, Alberta Beef Producers, Alberta Pork, Intensive Livestock Working Group and the Natural Resources Conservation Board. Creation of the app was funded through Growing Forward 2.

Download ManureTracker on Google Play for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS.

Source : Alberta Pork

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