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New Line of Snow Plows Launched by SnowEx®

SnowEx line-up will feature 20 unique models

It may be spring, but planning for next winter has already begun.  ECHO Power Equipment (Canada) recently announced a major new addition to the SnowEx® product line for 2015-16.  In Canada, ECHO Power Equipment is the national distributor of SnowEx products. 

The new SnowEx line-up will feature a completely new snowplow line, which will include 20 unique models to meet the needs of a variety of segments within the market!  The new line up of snow plows was unveiled in Indianapolis at the 2015 NTEA show in March.

Ed Zynomirski, President of ECHO (Canada) expressed his excitement and enthusiasm for the new line.  “This plow line has combined some of the historically strong legacy features of some of the high performing plows out there and combined it with the ultimate in product innovation. The result is the max in plowing efficiency.  Less physical effort, easier to use, more intuitive and easier to service!  We are excited to be able to extend our SnowEx product line-up and offer this to both our existing and potential new customers.“  

SnowEx reports that the new line of plows has been in development for several years and has been thoroughly tested to ensure its meets the demands of tough winters like the one endured by most of North America’s East coast in 2015.   The company says it will release more details about the new snowplow line up in the next few months. 

SnowEx Heavy Duty













Photo: Heavy-Duty: 31" tall steel blade, the Heavy-Duty Series is a powerful straight-blade snowplow.

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