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Producers make considerable progress with seeding

After experiencing delays due to rainfall in many regions, 56 per cent of the 2024 crop is in the ground. That’s up from 32 per cent seeded last week, but behind the five year average of 76 per cent according to the province’s weekly crop report.

Varying amount of rainfall occurred throughout much of the provine this past week. The Meadow Lake and Choiceland areas reported some of the highest amounts at 52 mm and 51mm, only to be outdone by the Mossbank area which saw 58 mm of precipitation. The crop report said although the rain helped replenish topsoil moisture levels and improve growing conditions, many producers are eager to continue seeding.

Producers in the southwest, northwest and southeast are most complete at 64 per cent, 63 per cent and 61 per cent respectfully. The east-central region is 54 per cent complete, followed by the northeast and west-central regions at 48 per cent and 47 per cent.

Cropland topsoil moisture is rated at six per cent surplus, 89 per cent adequate and five per cent short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at three per cent surplus, 85 per cent adequate, 11 per cent short and one per cent very short. Similarly, pasture topsoil moisture is rated at three per cent surplus, 83 per cent adequate, 12 per cent short and two per cent very short.

Seeding delays and cooler temperatures have slowed crop development in some region of the province, but the early seeded crops that have emerged are reported to be good overall. Some producers have reported crop damage due to cutworms, wireworms and flea beetles but the damage is not widespread. Most of the crop damage this week was due to frost, minor flooding, wind and hail.

Producers are continuing to monitor pasture conditions while moving cattle. Currently, pasture conditions are rated as 12 per cent excellent, 55 per cent good, 26 per cent fair, six per cent poor and one per cent very poor across the province.

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