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Farm Groups Launch Online Survey On Proposed Seed Royalty Changes

Canadian farmers are being asked to share their views on proposed changes to seed royalty structures for cereal crops in a new online survey.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency held a series of public meetings over the winter to gauge feedback on two potential new models of collecting royalties on saved seed. The government consultation process is currently on hold; however, several prairie farm groups, including Keystone Agricultural Producers, would like to hear more from producers on the proposed changes before the consultations resume later this year.
“It is crucial that we hear from farmers and producers on the two new proposed models, because consultation with those who are directly affected ultimately leads to better decision making,” said KAP President Bill Campbell. “Our hope is that producers will take the time to get involved in this process and ensure their needs are met under a new royalty structure.”
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Walnut Grove Tree Farm

Video: Walnut Grove Tree Farm

We are gearing up for the next holiday on the calendar. Christmas is right around the corner, and we're joined now by President of the Nebraska Christmas Tree Growers Association and owner of Walnut Grove Tree Farm, Dennis Adams. If you would like to learn more about walnut grove tree farms, you can learn more by visiting their website, walnut tree grove dot com.