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Farm Journal's Pro Farmer Unit To Put Current Yield Predictions To the Test

Farm Journal’s Pro Farmer unit scouts will blanket the countryside to measure this year’s corn and soybean yield potential, Aug. 22-25. The Tour, which covers seven Midwest states, is a carefully-watched August ritual over its 24-year history and is the most thorough inspection of yield potential during a critical time in the growing season. In 2016, experts are expecting scouts to find general uniformity in crop conditions, while quantifying expected high potential yields.
“We begin this year’s Midwest Crop Tour knowing there is strong yield potential for the corn crop,” stated Pro Farmer Editor Brian Grete. “The data gathered on Tour will help us determine exactly how much yield potential is out there.”
Chip Flory, Pro Farmer Editorial Director added, “Last year, there was a lot of variability out there, while this year, expectations for yields and crop size are much more certain. It will be important for Tour participants and observers to keep the bigger picture of total yield and production potential across the Corn Belt in mind, instead of focusing on individual field yield calculations.”
More than 100 scouts, industry experts and media reporters will cover approximately 2,000 fields across Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio and South Dakota. A summary of the Tour’s findings will be presented at Rochester International Events Center on Aug. 25 in Rochester, Minn. Taped on-location, Farm Journal Media’s “U.S. Farm Report” television program will air a detailed panel discussion led by experts on Saturday, Aug. 27.
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