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Farm organizations need producer input on seed royalties

LETHBRIDGE — The Canadian Federation of Agriculture is urging farmers to have their say about proposed changes to seed royalty structures.
In July, producer groups across the Prairies launched an online survey about the federal proposal to change how royalties are collected from farmers on saved seed.
Now the federation is urging producers across Canada to weigh in before the survey closes on October 15th.
Agriculture Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency held a series of public meetings over the winter to gauge feedback on the proposals, but that process is now on hold.
Farm groups would like to hear more from producers before the consultations resume later this year.
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Amending Clay Soil to Plant Climbing Roses

Video: Amending Clay Soil to Plant Climbing Roses

Today, I’m switching things up and planting roses! Normally, I’m in the vegetable garden talking about things like top dressing or soil amendments, but today, I wanted to show you another use for my favorite soil amendment, Soil³—perfect for amending my clay soil when planting trees and shrubs like these rose bushes.