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Farm Safety During Seeding

As the busy planting season begins shortly for many producers, safety on the farm needs to be top of mind. Farm safety may seem like a commonsense thing, but even someone who has grown up on the farm or who has been involved in the industry for many years can forget in the rush of a day or become complacent with old and routine procedures.

Here are a few simple and practical tips to help ensure the safety, health and well-being of family members and employees on the farm:

Minimizing Risk

Being able to anticipate and assess possible safety hazards is important in preventing farm injuries. Make sure family and employees are all familiar with safe operating procedures and can react properly if something goes wrong. Communication is also a very important tool. Ensure you know who’s in and around equipment when you’re in the field and working around the farm. Also, make sure you’re communicating with the people who are working with you so that they know where you are, when you’ll return home, and where you are located, in case of an emergency.

Equipment Safety

Watch for overhead power lines when moving equipment, augers, and when loading grain trucks and semis. Inspect and clean off all lights and signage on equipment. Make sure turn signals and flashers work properly and that your safety reflective tape and slow-moving vehicle emblems are fully visible to other motorists. During this busy season, the public also needs to pay extra attention when driving on highways and rural roads. Farm equipment is large and can be moving at a slower rate on all roads. Be patient and understanding to ensure farmers can complete their work during this busy time in a safe and efficient way.

Health and Well Being

Increased physical demands can result in poor sleep, which increases the risk for injuries. Take care of your health and well-being by getting enough sleep, eating the right foods, and drinking the right liquids. Seeding can also bring on various mental stressors that can compromise safety and affect relationships. Exercise, eating a balanced diet, taking time to yourself, or talking with others are ways to help take positive steps in managing your stress.

For more information on farm safety, the Agriculture Health and Safety Network, and the Ministry of Agriculture can also provide you with information and resources to help keep your family and employees safe over the growing season. You can visit to learn more. 

The Ministry of Agriculture also offers funding for eligible projects through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership that focus on farm safety education and training. Through more education on safe farming practices and industry dangers, the Farm Safety Program aims to reduce farm injuries and fatalities in Saskatchewan. If you would like more information on this program, or farm safety in general, please contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377 or your local Agriculture Programs Specialist.

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