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Farm Women Gather In Winkler

The 32nd Annual Manitoba Farm Women's Conference was held this week in Winkler.

The theme this year focused on taking care of yourself.

Organizer Tracy Chappell talked about the changing role of women in agriculture.

"It used to be the farmer was the husband and the farm wife was the woman, and we're not seeing that anymore. They're very much partnerships, so a lot of the women here have changed the traditional role of a farm wife into more of a farm partner," she commented.

About 125 women attended this week's conference, which covered topics surrounding the role of farm women, health and fitness, and finance management.

Chappell notes the conference also serves a get-away for the women, and allows them to reconnect with distant friends.

Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler took time to stop by the event on Monday.

"Women have always stepped up when we need them to, and they're the solid part of our relationships. When we look down at what farming is really all about, it's not for the faint of heart, but certainly women have such a role to play in helping, especially us men get through what we have to go through sometimes and of course they have responsibilities and the same problems that we do."

Eichler was also impressed with the number of younger women that attended the conference this week.

Next year's conference will be held in Winnipeg.

Source : Steinbachonline

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