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Farmers And Ranchers Looking For Rain

Farmers have been making good progress with their seeding operations.

Last week, Saskatchewan Agriculture's Weekly Crop Report showed about 38% of the provincial crop was in the ground.

When the crop report came out on Thursday the South West region was leading the province with 56 per cent of its crop seeded, followed by the South East with 44 per cent, the West Central was at 35 per cent, 34 per cent in the North West, 24 per cent in the East Central and then finally 22 per cent in the North East.

Todd Lewis, farms in the Regina area and expects to see those numbers jump this week as farmers had another weekend of good weather:

"Well in our area south of Regina really everybody's had a pretty good run. We've finished up on the weekend here and so really in our area, you know it would be fully two thirds to 100% in some cases.  You know really I think across the entire province it's probably 50% to two thirds done."

Lewis says now they want to see some moisture to really help push crop emergence.

Environment Canada's forecast is calling for a shift to cooler temperatures and some precipitation in most areas of Saskatchewan this week.

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Soybean Leafminer

Video: Soybean Leafminer

Just as fields were drying down and harvest was nearing, the first case of a soybean field infested with soybean tentiform Leafminer was confirmed in Nebraska in late September. While there isn't too much cause for concern at this point, it's a good idea for producers to familiarize themselves with this new arrival.