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Farmers Are Getting Back In The Field

A general rainfall delayed harvest activities across much of the Province late last week.
Saskatchewan Agriculture’s weekly crop report shows 23% of the crop is now in the bin, up from 18% last week.
Crops Extension Specialist Cory Jacob says most of the winter cereals are now in.
“Provincially 90% of winter wheat, 88% of the fall rye, 78% of the field peas, 75% of the lentils, 39% of the barley, 17% of the durum and oats, 13% of the spring wheat and 6% of the canola is now in the bin.  I do want to add that 56% of canola is swathed or is ready to straight-cut. So that was keeping producer’s occupied with swathing canola while they couldn’t get out and harvest the crops.”
When it comes to quality 14% of the durum is estimated to grade 1 CW; while 46% and 28% is estimated to grade 2 CW and 3 CW, respectively. For Peas 31% is expected to grade number 1 with 58% at #2 CAN and 10% #3 CAN while 16% of the Lentils are expected to grade 1 CAN, 55% #2 CAN, and 22% #3 CAN.
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