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Farmers are making good progress with the harvest despite some scattered showers

This week's crop report from Manitoba Agriculture shows 64 per cent of the provincial crop is now off despite some scattered showers last week.

Precipitation was varied with rainfall totals ranging from 0 mm to 16.5 mm.

Most of the rain fell in the Southwest with Alexander receiving the most precipitation.

Dennis Lange puts together the weekly report and says other than delaying harvest activities the rain doesn't seem to be impacting crop quality with most crops in fair to mostly good condition.

Provincially, the winter cereals and field pea harvest has wrapped up, 95 per cent of the barley and oats are in and 93 per cent of the spring wheat has been harvested.

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Farm Bill - ARC, PLC

Video: Farm Bill - ARC, PLC

The 2018 Farm Bill, originally set to expire in 2023, has been extended for another year. That means ag producers will face another important decision on agriculture risk coverage (ARC) versus price loss coverage (PLC) in 2025. With changing economic conditions, shifting price projections, and updated support levels for ARC and PLC, you will want to give this enrollment careful consideration.