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Farmers Come Together To Gain Insight, Formulate Recommendations For NCGA Activities

Grower leaders from across the country gathered in St. Louis this week to explore a variety of issues that will affect corn farmers in the upcoming year and to determine a course for National Corn Growers Association activities to support them. For three days, members of five of NCGA’s issue-focused action teams and committees listened to reports from industry experts and discussed programs to guide NCGA staff as they work on behalf of growers.

“These meetings play an important role in that they allow specialized teams to focus on their area of expertise and guide programs with a comprehensive, detailed understanding of the issues,” said NCGA President Pam Johnson. “It is inspiring to see the passion these volunteer leaders bring to their duties and to converse with such knowledgeable industry experts. As a farmer, I feel confident that they will lead us in the right direction.”

With industry leaders including representatives from a variety of seed technology and grain trade companies, subject area experts from ethanol and research groups and government officials providing information, team members asked thoughtful, pointed questions. They will use this information to develop a team perspective on upcoming issues including promotion of biofuels, investment in scientific research and the furthering of efforts to coordinate communications across the value chain.

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