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Farmers Considering Alternate Fertilizer Options For 2020

Farmers who normally apply fertilizer in the fall are going to be forced into other options this spring due to the challenging conditions.
John Heard is a Soil Fertility Specialist with Manitoba Agriculture & Resource Development.
"For those that are dealing with rutted up fields, tillage is going to be done anyways. I expect that a number of farmers will use that as an opportunity to apply some broadcast and incorporated fertilizer," he commented. "There are numerous at-seeding options now too; side banding, mid-row banding. Developments in the last 10 to 15 years have enabled us with some of the enhanced efficiency products to improve some of the efficiency of broadcasting."
Heard says farmers and dealers will need to work together.
"Yes, it will be a very busy time. Logistically it will be a challenge. We've only been there several times before. Fertilizer dealers have survived this before and farmers will just have to work through them, communicate well with them so that they know what the plans are well in advance. We'll get through this but it will be a challenge."
Heard spoke about the issue Wednesday at the Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers (MPSG) production meeting held in Portage la Prairie.
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