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Farmers in western Canada reported more wheat but less canola in 2024

Canadian farmers reported growing more wheat, oats, soybeans, dry peas and lentils, but less canola, corn for grain and barley in 2024. In general, yields were higher this year compared with 2023. However, there were some areas, particularly in Western Canada, where farmers continued to face issues related to dry conditions.

Western Canada had a promising start to the 2024 growing season. Much of the Prairies received timely precipitation during seeding, although cool conditions delayed crop development in some areas. A lack of rain as the summer progressed, coupled with hot weather, resulted in lower yields in some areas compared with 2023. Good field conditions throughout fall 2024 gave operators an opportunity to complete harvest ahead of schedule, with most crops being off the field before data collection for the November Field Crop Survey.

Above-average rainfall in Ontario and western Quebec, combined with summer heat, resulted in higher yields in 2024.

Map 1 Thumbnail for map 1: Departure from average precipitation (in millimetres) from April 1 to October 13, 2024 (during the growing season), compared with annual average, by province
Departure from average precipitation (in millimetres) from April 1 to October 13, 2024 (during the growing season), compared with annual average, by province
Thumbnail for map 1: Departure from average precipitation (in millimetres) from April 1 to October 13, 2024 (during the growing season), compared with annual average, by province
Wheat production up on higher yields

Total wheat production rose 6.1% year over year to 35.0 million tonnes in 2024. The increase was driven by durum wheat (+43.6% to 5.9 million tonnes), on higher harvested area (+8.0% to 6.3 million acres) and yield (+32.8% to 34.0 bushels per acre).

Spring wheat production rose 2.2% to 26.1 million tonnes in 2024, with higher yields (+4.9% to 51.3 bushels per acre) offsetting lower harvested area (-2.5% to 18.7 million acres).

At the provincial level, Saskatchewan wheat production rose 12.2% to 16.5 million tonnes in 2024. Yields increased 11.1% to 43.0 bushels per acre, while harvested area rose 1.1% to 14.1 million acres.

In Alberta, higher wheat yields (+7.2% to 47.9 bushels per acre) in 2024, combined with lower harvested area (-0.8% to 7.6 million acres), resulted in a 6.4% increase in wheat production to 9.9 million tonnes.

Wheat production in Manitoba edged up 0.7% to 5.5 million tonnes, with higher yields (+2.4% to 62.8 bushels per acre) offsetting lower harvested area (-1.6% to 3.2 million acres).

Canola production falls on lower harvested area and yield

Canola production decreased 7.0% nationally to 17.8 million tonnes in 2024, driven by lower yields (-7.0% to 36.0 bushels per acre) and harvested area (-0.1% to 21.9 million acres). Lower yields were likely the result of hot and dry conditions in parts of Western Canada in July and August.

Canola yields in Saskatchewan declined 3.0% to 35.9 bushels per acre in 2024, while harvested area fell 2.2% to 12.0 million acres, resulting in a 5.1% production decrease to 9.8 million tonnes.

In Alberta, canola production fell 8.5% to 5.1 million tonnes in 2024 due to lower yields (-9.0% to 35.6 bushels per acre). Harvested area rose 0.6% to 6.3 million acres.

Despite higher harvested area (+6.2% to 3.3 million acres), farmers in Manitoba reported producing less canola in 2024. Production fell 11.1% to 2.8 million tonnes on lower yields, which fell 16.3% to 37.1 bushels per acre, possibly because of challenging conditions early in the growing season.

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