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Farmers Need More Time to Access Aid

The American Farm Bureau Federation is asking the USDA to extend the application deadline for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). AFBF, along with 27 other agriculture organizations, sent a letter to USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue requesting the deadline be pushed beyond August 28, 2020.

The funding, approved through the CARES Act, is providing much-needed financial support to livestock, dairy, non-specialty and specialty crop producers. The letter states, however, the current deadline “may exclude eligible producers from participating in the program – including producers of commodities that were recently added to the list of eligible commodities and commodities that are likely to become eligible through the NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) process.”

Along with extending the deadline, the letter strongly encourages the USDA to “increase producer and stakeholder engagement initiatives. While the Department has done a commendable job in reaching out to all affected parties, communication and outreach by FSA staff has likely been significantly impacted by the lack of face-to-face interactions; in addition, many producers eligible for CFAP have had limited or no previous interaction with FSA staff.”

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Lethbridge College Students Biomass Intercropped Corn - 19

Video: Lethbridge College Students Biomass Intercropped Corn - 19

Every fall we like to invite students from Lethbridge College to come experience the field and get hands-on opportunities with our research. This year, we're taking them biomassing!

Our intercrop corn study, led by Dr. Yvonne Lawley and Dr. Emma McGeough, is a perfect chance for them to learn about the ins-&-outs of crop research. Mike Gretzinger is here to show you why!