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Farmers Reminded To Think About Power Line Safety

SaskPower has more than doubled its funding this year for the Farmyard Line Relocation Program.

The program allows farmers and producers to have power lines buried or moved from their farmyard at a subsidized cost.

Media Relations Spokesman, Scott McGregor says SaskPower contributes 75 per cent, while landowners pay 25 per cent of the total construction cost up to a maximum of $2,000.

"This year we've actually expanded the program the farmyard line relocation program, up from $2 million that we've had in previous years to this year being $5 million. So that's enough funding to to to cover construction cost of about 300 projects this year."

Shawn Schmidt, Vice President of Distribution and Customer Services at SaskPower says line contacts involving farm machinery happen in farmyards each year and one way to help prevent this is to move these power lines underground.

A reminder that the program is eligible for farmyards and is not open to power lines in fields.

SaskPower notes approved applications will be carried out subject to construction schedules on a first-come, first-paid, first-served basis.

Interested landowners can learn more here or apply by calling 1-888-757-6397

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