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Farmers Take Advantage Of Seven Newly Released Varieties By PhytoGen With Enlist Cotton Trait

PhytoGen continues to redefine the standard. By bringing forward more varieties that provide high yield potential, stability and excellent quality along with new traits, PhytoGen helps growers thrive.

PhytoGen is releasing seven new PhytoGen® brand varieties with the Enlist™ cotton trait and WideStrike® 3 Insect Protection for the 2017 growing season. These new varieties complement the current PhytoGen offering that includes very early to mid- and full-season Upland varieties, as well as industry-leading Acala and Pima varieties.

“We’re excited to follow the success of PhytoGen brand PHY 490 W3FE with this broader introduction of W3FE varieties. With both the Enlist cotton trait and WideStrike 3, these new PhytoGen varieties will help growers eliminate resistant weeds and tough-to-control pests,” says Hank King, U.S. leader for PhytoGen.

The Enlist cotton trait provides tolerance to glufosinate as well as glyphosate and new 2,4-D choline, the active ingredients in Enlist Duo® herbicide. Enlist Duo is not yet registered for use on Enlist cotton. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed to register Enlist Duo for use with Enlist cotton, and registration is expected early in 2017.

WideStrike 3 Insect Protection is the first three-gene insect trait technology that offers improved protection against cotton bollworm. Combined with the Enlist™ cotton trait, new PhytoGen W3FE varieties provide full tolerance to glufosinate.

Diverse portfolio of varieties from PhytoGen

“We have more varieties to fit growers’ specific farming needs than ever before. Farmers who choose PhytoGen will have even better options to help them thrive in cotton this season,” King says. “Growers can be confident PhytoGen brand varieties have been bred to perform in their specific geography and agronomic conditions.”

In addition to thousands of breeder trials, PhytoGen® brand varieties are rigorously evaluated in numerous company and university trials across the Cotton Belt.

Two of the new 2017 varieties are very early and early maturities, bred for the unique conditions of the Southwest. They join the three varieties introduced last year specifically for West Texas that provide verticillium wilt tolerance. Consult your local PhytoGen rep for irrigation response ratings for all Southwestern varieties. The two new varieties for Southwestern growers are:

PHY 220 W3FE

PHY 300 W3FE

The remainder of the new varieties, ranging from early to mid-maturities, are bred to fit areas across the Cotton Belt from South Texas to the Mid-Atlantic. The following also contain native traits that provide resistance to bacterial blight:

PHY 330 W3FE

PHY 340 W3FE

PHY 380 W3FE

PHY 450 W3FE

PHY 470 W3FE

“Unrivaled weed control from the Enlist system and the unmatched expertise of our representatives empower growers. They’re off to a great start for increased yield and improved fiber quality with PhytoGen,” King says.

A long-time leader in the Pima market, PhytoGen also introduces another new Pima variety with the Genuity® Roundup Ready® Flex trait for California, PhytoGen® brand PHY 888 RF.

PhytoGen premieres new cash-back rewards program

Another milestone for cotton growers this year is the launch of PhytoGen Residual Rewards, a new cash-back rewards program.

“PhytoGen is partnering with Dow AgroSciences crop protection, Syngenta crop protection and Valent U.S.A. Corporation. The program rewards growers for purchasing leading cotton crop protection products used on PhytoGen® cottonseed acres,” King says.

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