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Farmers work to wrap up seeding

The favourable forecast has allowed many producers to make a lot of progress with spring seeding.

Scott Pantel farms near Baldur and he’s about 95 per cent done his seeding. “We’re sitting not too bad but there are a couple of fields were can’t get onto yet. We’ve starting reseeding some canola because it crusted over after that three and a half inches of rain last week. We have a lot of crusted over fields and we have corn that’s having trouble to emerge right now.

Pantel isn’t sure what will happen with his five per cent of his acres. “It’s supposed to be barley going in but we have a lake here that’s backed up and we can’t even get into the field so we’ll have to wait and see.”

Scott Pantel says his earlier seeded crops are emerging nicely and his peas and wheat that’s up looks pretty good.

“We had two fields of canola that were up pretty nice before the heavy rains but now we’re dealing with flea beetles already on those fields” said Pantel.

“Compared to some parts of the province we’re happy with where we are at. Have to be happy with what we have in so far.”

Pantel said he was also busy dealing with weeds. He says they’ve sprayed a lot more than normal because seeding was later than normal and the weeds were taking over he says they hit quit a bit to deal with the problem.

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