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Farming For Success Field Day – June 25

By Jeffrey S Graybill

Penn State Extension and the Penn State Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center (SEAREC) are hosting an agronomic field day for Farmers, Industry Representatives and other Agricultural Professionals. The field day is held at Penn State SEAREC which is a 100 acre research farm located near Landisville in Lancaster County. The doors open at 8:30 when you can visit with sponsors with the program beginning promptly at 9:00 AM.

The field day promises to be an informative event featuring a wide range of crop production topics. You can see research plots in the field, learn from Penn State and Ag industry professionals and visit with industry sponsors. The Farming for Success field day is planned and organized by local members of the Penn State Extension Field and Forage Crop Team, with support from:

  • The Pennsylvania No-till Alliance
  • The Pennsylvania Corn Growers Association
  • The Pennsylvania Soybean Board
  • Numerous local Agricultural Businesses

Participants will choose from three different tracks based upon their interests. Tour stops and sessions will include:

  • Small grain diseases, management and production
  • Herbicide resistant weed ID and control
  • The Penn State Inter-seeder
  • Market and commodity update
  • Talking to your neighbor about GMO’s and technology
  • Planting green
  • Tissue testing
  • Cover crop nutrient cycling, soil health and fertility
  • And many more. . .

You will also have the opportunity to visit with our sponsors from the chemical and seed industries, local equipment dealers, ag lenders and crop production professionals.

4.5 Certified Crop Advisor Credits (CCA) will be available for attending the field day.

Penn State SEAREC
1446 Auction Road,
Manheim, PA

Cost (includes a catered lunch):
$10.00 Individuals
$100.00 Industry sponsors and exhibitors

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