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FARMING IN THE FINGER LAKES: Embrace the diversity of agriculture

(Editor’s Note: In 2017 and ‘18 we ran a monthly column on our Monday Farm Page called “Farming in the Finger Lakes.” Thanks to the effort and initiative of Eileen Jensen, that feature is returning. Eileen’s columns focusing on the local agricultural scene will run the first Monday of every month).

The time is here when the holidays are creeping up quickly and family gatherings become more abundant. We are fortunate to live in a region surrounded by farmers and an abundant food supply. As consumers of food, we have the pleasure of walking into local grocery stores to fill our bags with whatever food item we’re craving. It’s something that most of us don’t think twice about as food is the centerpiece for our tables.

Living in the Finger Lakes region allows all of us to have access to a diverse array of food. Let’s take a closer look at the diversity in a four-county radius including Ontario, Seneca, Wayne, and Yates counties.

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