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Fertilizer Canada Comments On Current Market Situation

Some farmers have been having a tough time finding fertilizer this fall.

Fertilizer Canada’s Executive Vice President Clyde Graham commented on the current market situation.

"The current market situation with fertilizer is driven by two things. One is, as the world economy emerges from the global pandemic and there's strong economic growth, we're facing a rise in prices of a whole range of various commodities, including grains and oilseeds but also metals and other primary materials and fertilizer is a part of that," he said. "At the same time, we have had some supply disruptions. We've had consequences of natural gas prices rising dramatically in Europe and leading to a shut down of at least one nitrogen manufacturing facility in the UK. We've had weather related consequences in Louisiana, for nitrogen and phosphate in Florida as well due to significant storms and we've had some countries like China and Russia put limitations on export of fertilizer products. A lot of these things coming together have created a difficult fertilizer market."

Graham encourages farmers to work with a certified crop advisor to analyze their fertilizer needs for the 2022 growing season.

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