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Field day at U of I Research Center in Monmouth planned

URBANA, Ill. - The 34th annual University of Illinois Northwestern Agricultural Research Center Field Day is planned for Tuesday, July 28, beginning at 8 a.m. in Monmouth, Ill.

“Tour the 320-acre research farm while learning about the most current research to manage crops, pests, disease, nitrogen and weeds,” said Angie Peltier, a U of I  Extension educator.

Topics and speakers will include:

  • Are We Getting Better at Managing Nitrogen? - Emerson Nafziger- U of I Extension specialist, crop production
  • Management Considerations for Continuous Corn - Brian Mansfield - U of I research agronomist
  • Statewide Insect Surveys: Evidence for Suppression of Key Pests? - Nick Tinsley- U of I postdoctoral research associate
  • How Compatible are Cover Crops with the Soil-Applied Residual Herbicides Used in Corn and Soybean? - Robert Bellm- U of I Extension educator, commercial agriculture
  • Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome: ID and Management - Angie Peltier- U of I Extension educator

The Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center is located 1 mile north and 4 miles west of Monmouth at 321 210th Avenue.

Source: ACES

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