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Fields needed for wireworm study.

Dr. Bryan Cassone at the University of Brandon will be conducting a study on monitoring techniques for wireworms, and the species we have in Manitoba.
15 to 20 fields are needed for the study.
Fields with suspected wireworm damage in either of the last couple of years are ideal, but fields without known wireworm damage could be considered for the study if there are no fields in the region where wireworm damage has been noted.
Three times during the growing season, baited traps will be placed in the field, and 25 soil cores will be removed to examine for wireworms.
If you have or are aware of any fields that can be used for the study, please contact:
Dr. Bryan Cassone, University of Brandon, CassoneB@BrandonU.CA, 
and cc.
John Gavloski,
Source : Manitoba Agriculture

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