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FieldView launches Premium Services to help Canadian farmers get more from their subscription

TORONTO,  FieldView™, the flagship digital farming product from Bayer, now offers FieldView Premium Services in Canada, including a range of optional support services from FieldView expert reps. FieldView Premium Services include hardware and software installation and training, custom script development, data management and cleanup, and one-on-one consultations to uncover data insights and reporting.

"We've heard clearly from farmers that more support through FieldView would help them get the most value out of the tool," says Matt Eves, Canadian Digital Farming Lead at Bayer. "They want additional training, help analyzing data, and creating custom scripts to help maximize yield potential and whole farm ROI. Premium Services make it even easier for growers to save time, gain more insights from their data, and leverage their crop inputs more effectively."

The FieldView platform makes it easier for farmers to collect and analyze field and agronomic data to provide accurate information on a farmer's field, and has simplified data storage, management and sharing. When growers first sign up for FieldView, the initial onboarding is free but many farmers have expressed interest in ongoing support to help them get more out of their subscription. These new Premium Services will help to provide a higher level of support and even take some of the work off the plates of busy farmers.

For farmers who are currently set up with FieldView but aren't sure where to start with the data they have, a skilled FieldView rep can walk them through getting started. They can help upload and organize historical machine data, set up and align field boundaries, import files and maps, connect to industry partners, and review Cab app setup, including uploading equipment, hybrids, and in-crop product information. Farmers can also work directly with a FieldView rep for a one-on-one consultation to help sort through and understand the data collected and uncover insights to evaluate performance and plan for next season.

One of the most popular tools within FieldView is creating customized sprayer scripts to target fungicide applications, optimizing inputs and maximizing ROI potential. With Premium Services, growers can now have a FieldView rep create an on-off fungicide prescription in their FieldView account that can then be run from their sprayer.

With all Premium Services, a FieldView rep will call the grower within two business days of placing an order to discuss their needs and schedule an on-farm consultation if needed. More information about the new Premium Services can be found at, or call your local FieldView representative today.

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