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Fifteen Resolutions Passed At KAP AGM

Following is a list of resolutions passed this week at Keystone Agricultural Producers AGM:
1. License Extension for Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) – Vegetable Growers Association of Manitoba (VGAM)
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby Manitoba Public Insurance, the Department of Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Infrastructure, and other stakeholders to extend the validity of a seasonal agricultural worker’s driver’s license for the duration of their work permit.
2. Childcare and Young Farmers – District 3
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Manitoba and Government of Canada to invest in young farmers by developing programming under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership that will assist farmers in covering costs related to childcare; and be it further
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Manitoba to review funding and licensing requirements for childcare spaces in rural Manitoba considering the inconsistent and irregular hours required for agricultural producers and employees in the agriculture industry.
3. Exit Clearance for returning Filipino Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW) – Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Canada, and work with the Canadian Honey Council and the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, to ask the Government of the Philippines to waive exit clearance fees for temporary foreign workers returning in 2021 to work for the same employer as 2019.
4. Beaver Damage – District 4
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development to include beavers in the Wildlife Damage Compensation program.
5. Scale Display – District 4
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Canadian Grain Commission and the Western Grain Elevator Association to ensure that all grain elevator platform scales have clear displays to offer the transparency needed for safe highway transport.
6. Carbon Tax – District 4
Resolved, THAT KAP to lobby the Government of Canada to review the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act to see if the goal of reducing carbon emissions is being achieved in agriculture, and be it further
Resolved, THAT KAP ask the Government of Canada how carbon pricing revenue is being used in the agriculture sector.
7. Provincial Drainage Capacity – District 4
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Manitoba to review the capacity of provincial drains and to ensure that provincial drains meet the expectations of farmers.
8. Unsafe Roads and Provincial Agency Coordination – District 12
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Manitoba to create a direct communication network between the RCMP, motor carrier resource officers, and Manitoba Infrastructure’s regional offices to address unsafe road conditions; and be it further
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby Manitoba Infrastructure to ensure their regional offices correct unsafe road conditions in a timely manner.
9. Tracking and Reporting of Exports – District 1
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Canada for mandatory reporting of import and export sales of all agricultural commodities, to be made available on a weekly basis.
10. Federal Escalator Tax on Alcohol – District 6
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Canada to remove the escalator tax on alcohol in Canada.
11. Farm Insurance Policy Practices – District 6
Resolved, THAT KAP investigate and communicate information with members on farm and commercial property insurance details including replacement value policies, and the 2-year statute of limitations.
12. Upgrades to Manitoba Provincial Highway #283 – District 12
Resolved, THAT KAP support Gateway Keewatin Corridor Inc. in its work with the Government of Manitoba to develop a progressive construction plan for and commence upgrades to Hwy 283 to bring it up to dust-free RTAC standards.
13. Priority access to Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) Testing Appointments – VGAM
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby Manitoba Public Insurance to prioritize testing appointments for people living in the region of the testing facility.
14. Ag Literacy for All – District 3
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Manitoba to make Canadian Agricultural Literacy Month a curriculum requirement for all elementary schools in Manitoba; and, be it further, Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Manitoba and the Government of Canada for increased funding for Ag in the Classroom.
15. Averaging Tool Used by MASC – District 4
Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to revert to a farm’s previous individual productivity index for a particular crop when calculating insured coverage.
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