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Five western dairy organizations green light next step for transformation of the Western Milk Pool

The Western Milk Pool is pleased to announce that all five western provincial Boards have unanimously agreed to support a new modernized governance model for working together.

BC Milk, BC Dairy, Alberta Milk, SaskMilk, and Dairy Farmers of Manitoba have all agreed to a partnership approach that aligns the resources and expertise of the five organizations under one WMP.

The historic decision to unanimously support WMP transformation, and establish a new governance model, addresses the need to work together more efficiently, make decisions faster – and provide a more organized, unified voice for western dairy farmers in discussions at the national table and with all dairy stakeholders.

The WMP transformation is supported by a clear vision, mission, guiding principles and decision-making authority to ensure milk quality remains consistently high, “drive excellence in dairy”, and support a stronger, vibrant dairy industry in Canada. 

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